Key Outcomes
- Recognise your unique strengths and achievements to get greater results
- Boost your positive attitude and optimistic approach to work and life
- Value yourself more and believe in your abilities and potential
- Be courageous to initiate and conduct the crucial conversations
- You welcome mistakes and are brave to leave your comfort zone
- You connect powerfully with people and perform better at work.
- You become more resilient to deal with set backs and challenges
- You take better decisions and adapt better to change & innovation
- You are more motivated and enthusiastic to handle projects & challenges
Key Concepts
- Understanding why self-confidence is crucial for success and results in life
- Overcoming negative self-talk & limiting beliefs that erode performance
- Adopting a positive language and perspective when dealing with challenges
- The 5 basic tools of high self-confidence
- Learning 3 ways to maximise resilience and resourcefulness in any situation
Seminar Structure and Methodology
We base our programmes on Neuro-Linguisitic Programming (NLP), neuroscience, design thinking and positive psychology. Participants learn in an engaging way through self-reflection, discussions, role plays, case studies, clips and energising activities. We provide workbooks and follow up email reminders to integrate further the learning and new insights.
Who is the programme for?
The seminar will have greatest impact on the middle and senior managers who have constantly face change, exceeding goals and need to motivate their teams.
“A good half of the art of living is resilience.”
Alain de Botton
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