Nurturing Creativity and Innovation at Work
Key Outcomes An improved ability and dedication to successfully achieve goals A strong foundation from which to assess and create powerful teams, strategic partnerships and alliances A smooth path to lead and manage change throughout your organisation Additional insights that foster effective communication in a team of diverse individuals Enhanced creativity and problem-solving capabilities at minimal cost and with maximum buy Read More
Peak Productivity and Stress Reduction
Key outcomes Create your vision of perfect task management. Understand how fundamental your beliefs and attitudes are in attaining time and mangement mastery. Get motivated by your bigger picture and overcome procrastination. Identify your time management strengths and weaknesses. Learn valuable tools for staying organised and eliminating interruptions Learn the art of prioritising to ensure you focus on what matter every Read More
Cross-Cultural Skills for Thriving in the Global Workplace
Key Outcomes You connect better with people of different nationalities by boosting your cultural intelligence You appreciate the key differences between cultures, and why it helps to understand them You handle better the complexities of cross-cultural interactions and enhance your communication, leadership and decision making You boost your relationships by applying multiple perspectives to gain more insights and flexibility You focus Read More
Assertive Communication for Greater Results and Influence
Key Outcomes You handle confidently the challenges of communication in a multi-generational and culturally diverse environment You communicate to build trust and create lasting relationships You adapt better to the different communication styles You are able to build rapport quickly and connect at a deeper level You learn how listen better and obtain information through skilful questioning You have more empathy and appreciate Read More
Boosting Confidence for Resilience and Changeability
Key Outcomes Recognise your unique strengths and achievements to get greater results Boost your positive attitude and optimistic approach to work and life Value yourself more and believe in your abilities and potential Be courageous to initiate and conduct the crucial conversations You welcome mistakes and are brave to leave your comfort zone You connect powerfully with people and perform better at work. You become more resilient Read More