Key Outcomes
- You connect better with people of different nationalities by boosting your cultural intelligence
- You appreciate the key differences between cultures, and why it helps to understand them
- You handle better the complexities of cross-cultural interactions and enhance your communication, leadership and decision making
- You boost your relationships by applying multiple perspectives to gain more insights and flexibility
- You focus on your strengths and successes to boost your cross-cultural dexterity
- You become more observant to non-verbal signs and cues of the messages
- You behave with cultural sensitivity and avoid potential difficult or conflicting situations
- You understand the Asian concept of ‘face’ and its impact on your business approach
- Additional insights that will foster effective communication in a team of diverse individuals
Key Concepts Highlight
- Understanding the challenges of the global arena
- Gaining awareness of the subtle cultural filters and frames which lead to judgements
- The cross-cultural intelligence formula
- The major parameters of cultural differences – power, time, status, community, gender
- Tools that help bridging the cultural gaps
Seminar Structure and Methodology
We base our programmes on Neuro-Linguisitic Programming (NLP), neuroscience, design thinking and positive psychology. Participants learn in an engaging way through self-reflection, discussions, role plays, case studies, clips and energising activities. We provide workbooks and follow up email reminders to integrate further the learning and new insights.
Who is the seminar for?
The seminar will have greatest impact on the middle, senior managers, negotiators, project managers in MNCs who lead and liaise with a diverse team.
“But when a prince acquires the sovereignty of a country differing from his own both in language, manners, and intellectual organization, great difficulties arise; and in order to maintain the possession of it, good fortune must unite with superior talent.”
Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince
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